We have been helping Singapore brands succeed in content marketing over the years since 2015. Orange Media execute campaigns on Wechat, Weibo, 小红书,58 同城, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Nestia, Youtube, Telegram and SG eyes App. There are 1.5m Wechat users in Singapore, and the number is still increasing very fast.
We understand and customized social media solutions for local Singapore company, China Company. Except for social media, we also help the client write a press release and SPH. For F&B clients, we specialized in write exciting content and emailed to Michelin Guide. It is their criterion if you can be listing or featured as a value add.
新加坡越来越多的企业和公司,甚至个人在用微信做宣传。比起传统媒体,社交媒体 - 微信以多样化的形式积聚了 WhatsApp, FB, IG, Youtube 的功能,让消费者轻松自如的在手机上看到他们想看的。而宣传费用只是传统媒体的冰山一角。在新加坡使用微信的人数已经达到 1.5m, 并以上生的趋势递增。橙子传媒通过内容营销,帮助无数商家在数码平台发挥最大的效应。通过原创文章,图片和视频和顾客产生认知感,从而扩大宣传效应,帮助企业转型。除了数码社交平台,我们也帮助客户提供新闻稿件发至主流媒体报业控股。针对饮食行业的商家,我们帮你把你的招牌菜或是新菜式电邮给米其林指南。
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